About Me

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San Francisco, California, United States
"Facts DO NOT cease to exist because they are ignored." I'm a truth-seekin', free-speakin', beat freakin' son of a gun. I'm a Georgian from Germany. I'm a kid in adult's clothing. I'm a philosopher in clown shoes. Do I know me? Well, I know me today, but who will I be tomorrow? Follow along and we'll find out together...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

People Being People by Jesus Christ

I'm going to write a book.  With help, of course.  My good friend and guide into Jewish lore, Adeevil shall help.  Timmy J too.  

The title?  People Being People.  Written by Jesus Christ.  Uh-oh, I can feel the Vatican's rebuke coming  already.  

The inspiration came from an impromptu one-liner turned super-lame-but-somehow-funny insider.  Two kids trippin face rollin into Red Rocks?  "Maaan just people bein people."  Crazy events staffers with a vengence?  Thanks for snatchin our $4 bottle of vodka.  Two chicks going from "Hey beeetch I'm gonna claw your face off," to "Hey we should totally make out!"  Yes, that did happen.  In the course of about 15 seconds.   Just chalk it up to people being people.

Cuz people do drugs, people get mad, and people make out.  It's what we do.  People being people.

What awakened me to such a simple, almost mundane refrain? 

Ahh, the Rocky Mountain High.  Just being in such a clean, wholesome environment makes ya feel good.  From meeting the Spirit of Red Rocks while he held an aftershow jam sesh in the men's room to learning of the Dead Heads kickin it around Boulder following the ghost of Jerry Garcia, the greater Denver area is ripe with opportunities to connect.  To connect with oneself, to connect with music, to connect with nature, to connect with people.  Being people, of course.  

And even though our trip out to Colorodo has been highlighted by the radical sounds of MF Doom, Red N Meth, and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs drowning the crowd in glory at the Red Rocks Monolith Festival, it's not just music that moves up here.  

It's the cragged-out mountains; it's the alpine-y fresh flora; it's the sweet indoor/outdoor feel of the local dwellings.  It's about a certain scene, a certain mood that seems to find its way into every Bronco and Buffalo bee-boppin on down Broadway.  It's that feeling that everyone is dancing to their own beat, yet when you stop to listen for the expected chaos of disparate noises, what you hear is a percussive symphony of movement and peace.  

Maybe Stoner-Hippie is tickling the high-hat.  Maybe Headie-Dreadie is diddling the djembe.  And Mr. Monolith Stone is pounding that BIG drum that the biiig boys carry in the band.  

What instrument do I play?  Maybe I'll be the clap guy for this set.  Or maybe my body will make music while I gyrate to this jam.  Or maybe I'll just grab a glow stick from my neighbor and start conducting, letting the smoke and lights and sounds and smells and feels all run through me until they run together, synaesthesia overload.  

And it's in that moment that all control is at once mine and no one's.  The mood is right for us to let go and not worry about who's conducting.  The time is perfect to just let the world take the reigns and do your part to just BE.  

People being people. 

By Jesus Christ.

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