True enough, we are what we eat, but does the same apply for what we wear? Doctors wear scrubs, soldiers wear camouflage, and ballett dancers wear tutus, but must we let what we wear become who we are? Let's ask People who wear sweatpants.
Wearing sweatpants in public makes quite a statement. It says, "Hey everybody, I just got done with some physical activity, or I am about to commence as such." Or, "Oh me? I just ran out real quick to pick up a few things, then it's back to the couch for me! I never leave the house like this, child please!"
Or, the real statement- "Damn, I feel super-comfy in these, my favorite pair of sweatpants that, somehow, magically, I never purchased, but still own and still love!"
I must confess that the first two "fashion statements" are said only in jest, to point out the ways in which our society has pegged the sweatpants and wearers thereof. They, in all of their cottony comfort, have been demoted to second- or third-rate by high-fashionistas, who seemingly place form over function in the shops of Gay Paris and New York, New York. (P.S. That "Gay Paris" thing is quite a little compliment to that lovely Euro capital du chic! But only if you say it in a cute little French accent.)
At its most basic level, clothing performs a simple set of tasks. It warms us when we're cold, and it shades us when we're hot. It protects the fairer skinned amongst us from sunburn, and it keeps niggas from turnin black!
To see this in action, look no further than the beach, where, because conditions permit, little or no clothing is acceptable, or even encouraged. And black people still have on white tees and Tims.
The reality is that a certain outfit, a certain look can get you into places you aren't necessarily supposed to be. Or, conversely, what you lack in your wardrobe can keep you out of certain places. A proper suit and tie will get you admittance into lovely hotel, with lovely people, and a lovely, comforting ambience. A good-looking uniform might grant you high-level security access at a hospital, in a school, maybe even at a military base.
But important to the discussion is the other reality that no matter what we wear, we change nothing about our core selves by changing our outer garments. Do we become lazier or more couch-potato-ish by wearing sweatpants? Of course not! Perhaps we may be couch-potato-ish at a given time and be wearing sweatpants, but you can just as easily sit around on ass in a business suit (ha, maybe get paid while you're at it if you're lucky).
The point is really to understand that our clothes should match our moods. When it's sunny, wear a sundress, and when it's rainy, rubber ducky boots. Both happy, hopeful looks, ready to enjoy the day. Don't wear white to a funeral, unless you really feel that way. And if you really feel that way, don't go to the funeral. Don't wear a negligee to church, or to your grandmother's birthday party. And don't wear hot pants to a Lovefest parade in Fabulous Frisco! Unless you're really feelin like hot pants ("HeyGirlHeeeey!!"). I think I hear an ass getting slapped.
But, and this is a big butt ("oooh hot pantsss"), we must all understand and embrace this final, crucial piece. The real value of a man comes not from the clothing on his back, but from the spirit in his heart. I may dress this way cuz I'm in a certain mood, or I may dress this way because it's my only pair of dry, clean clothing.
That's reality for so many people in this life that I can hardly stand to think about it.
But we must. Cuz we all wanted a closet like Cher from Clueless back in the day (yes, I dig Clueless), but who really got it?
To those without: You can walk into the door of a Fortune 500 company in a Goodwill coat and Payless shoes, if your resume's right and your game is tight, you got the job.
To those with (myself included): Understand that we are all, underneath the Louis, and the Prada, and the Rolex, and the make-up, and the car, and the house, underneath all that, we are all but men. Naked, mortal human beings who, just like the bums in the street, hurt and cry and bleed. Don't see someone's dirty jacket and ripped jeans and ruddy face and think it's okay to look down on them. Don't hold your nose on the bus cuz he smells bad. You don't think he would take a shower if he could? And please don't assume that cuz somebody has a slick suit and a hot ride he's worth a shit.
To start to find out what's goin on in this crazy place called Life, look at each person, each man, each woman, each child, really look them in the eye. Try to understand what they know, and what they feel, and what they love. For one day, when we all know what our neighbors know, and what our friends feel, and what our enemies love, we will all be neighbors, we will all be friends, and enemies will be no more.
-Dedicated to People who LOVE sweatpants!
Peace and Love for All,
About Me

- shadawful
- San Francisco, California, United States
- "Facts DO NOT cease to exist because they are ignored." I'm a truth-seekin', free-speakin', beat freakin' son of a gun. I'm a Georgian from Germany. I'm a kid in adult's clothing. I'm a philosopher in clown shoes. Do I know me? Well, I know me today, but who will I be tomorrow? Follow along and we'll find out together...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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